Social Media House Rules

Our social media channels are used to inform and connect with the Barnet community and other organisations. Though we celebrate the diversity of our audiences including history, religious observances, and days of social significance, our channel is not a political platform and we make every effort to remain apolitical. In order to make our social media channels a more helpful and enjoyable place, please keep our house rules in mind before posting anything.

We do not offer help or advice to individuals through our social media platforms. We will direct requests for help to one of the many ways to get advice, prioritising the email help form and the Adviceline. We will not offer special treatment or shortcuts to appointments through social media. 

We encourage engagement through our social media channels and welcome questions and comments, but we will remove any comments deemed unsuitable or offensive to individuals or groups of people. This includes comments, images and memes which reference swearing, racist or sexist language. Bullying of other users will not be tolerated. Any posts that are deemed to be spam, or appear to be coming from automated accounts will be deleted. Posts that could potentially cause confusion or that promote misleading information about Citizens Advice Barnet will also be removed. 

Advertising is not allowed on these pages. If you have a community event and want to publicise this, email with the full details we will reply as quickly as possible. 

Remember that these are public pages and anyone can see posts or comments that you add. Be careful with your personal data. Don’t give too much information away through social media, and don’t share details with anyone you don’t know. This includes sharing your own contact details (such as your address or phone number), as well as the contact details of other people. If you share details that we consider to be personal information, we will hide or delete your comment.

We also abide by the Community Standards set out by individual social media platforms. These can be used to help you understand what types of posts are acceptable, and what type of content may be reported and removed.


Moderating content

We moderate our social media pages during the beginning of the week only – Monday to Wednesday, 8am to 4pm, excluding holidays. Please let us know if you see any content that you feel breaks any of our house rules, and we will act as quickly as possible.

If we recognise that you’ve broken any of our house rules on one occasion, we’ll delete your comment. 

If you post a second comment that violates our house rules, we will issue a suspension or ban. In some circumstances, we may surpass levels in our escalation procedure and issue an immediate suspension or ban. Our two strike policy is as follows:

  1. Delete or hide post
  2. Issue a suspension or ban.


Get in touch

If you have any questions or comments about our social media channels, email We love feedback and hope to continue to improve our pages. 


Thank you for taking the time to read our house rules.

We look forward to engaging with you on our social media channels. Find us on:




Updated July 2023