
Do you feel passionately about social justice? Could you help shape the future of Citizens Advice Barnet?

The Trustee Board are responsible for the overall direction, vision and strategy of Citizens Advice Barnet. They provide governance, leadership and enthusiasm to lead Citizens Advice Barnet into the future.

Our Trustees may be in full-time employment, on a break from employment, working part-time or retired. We are keen to recruit Barnet residents.

We seek candidates who can bring innovative ideas, enthusiasm for our values, and excellent judgment to help determine our objectives. You will be prepared to spend time working with us attending at least four evening Board meetings a year and also participating in one of two Standing Committees that meet each quarter.

This is a voluntary, unpaid appointment, although reasonable travel expenses will be paid.

To find out more about being a trustee and to apply for the role, please email our recruitment team:

We look forward to hearing from you.