• Video Advice

    Click on a video to hear an adviser talk about the topic. They will answer some of the main questions people have.

In this video Sayeed covers commonly asked questions about energy tariffs:

  • What is a tariff?
  • What are the different types of tariff?
  • Which tariff should I choose?
  • What can I do if my tariff is high?

Energy Tariffs with Sayeed

In this video Natalie covers commonly asked questions about energy:

  • What can I do if I can’t afford my energy bills?
  • Are there any long-term solutions?
  • Should I switch to a smart metre?
  • Should I use a credit or a prepayment metre?

Energy FAQs with Natalie

In this video an adviser talks you through a standard energy bill:

  • What each element means
  • What to look out for
  • Understanding your tariff

Understanding Your Energy Bill