Volunteer Interview: Violet

Violet started volunteering with Citizens Advice Barnet in 2023.

  1. What is your role at Citizens Advice Barnet?

My role can be split into two sections: one aspect is looking after people who come here, doing admin, making sure appointments run smoothly and hopefully helping everyone do their jobs effectively. There is a lot of photocopying! Second is conducting triage–dealing with people who walk in–seeing if we can help them or signpost them to an organisation that can. I learn new things all the time and deal with new and different issues everyday.


  1. Why do you volunteer at Citizens Advice Barnet?

I’ve lived in Barnet my whole life and I care that everyone in this borough can access help when they need it. I want to address the inequalities that are so prevalent. Also, I’m interested in legal training and this is a good starting point for anyone who wants to work in legal aid and learn about these kinds of issues. 

  1. Is there anything you’ve done while volunteering with us that you’re particularly proud of?

There have been a few people who’ve come in with lots of different problems–not knowing where to go or what to do first. They also didn’t speak any English. I was able to speak to them in Spanish and get started on solving their problems. Together, we were able to break things down into manageable steps. I am always glad to be able to use language so people don’t feel so alone – it’s something that matters a lot.


  1. What would you say to someone thinking of volunteering at CAB?

Do it! Everyday is different. It’s really flexible – you can make it fit around your schedule. The skills you gain will serve you well and you can use them wherever you want to go. There are really nice people. And, there’s always biscuits.